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how the fu-

this game is... um....

(1 edit)

This version you posted doesn't work properly but the one you posted on Cocrea works, I'm not sure why it doesn't work here but potentially you posted a version where it thinks the player already crafted all elements. 

I think the unbugged version posted on Cocrea is actually really cool my only critique is that sometimes depending on the order that elements are mixed they become different elements(example earth and fire) I'm not sure if that's intended or not but it's more of a preference on my end.

nah it’s cause Ivan in the discord keeps bullying me irl so it not work

also uh yeah ik but I can’t control the ai it’s gonna take us over 😔

Your game isn't completed yet

shut the flub up

How play, also the screen is offset and I can’t play the game

sorry use the link in the description, I’m new to gandi idk how to fix it

W - show discoveries
S - hide discoveries
Space - craft things

how to play

W - show discoveries
S - hide discoveries
Space - craft things

I think there is something wrong about the window offset :D

use the link idk how to fix srry :(